How to Recognize and Prevent Burnout

Everything in your life is affected by how well you take care of yourself and manage stress. When you are burnt out from working too hard for too long and neglecting your personal needs, everything suffers - including your work, your spirit, your health and your relationships. Burnout prevents you from breaking through the glass ceiling and achieving your goals because it completely depletes you of your focus, drive and energy.

In order to recognize whether you are burnt out, start by assessing how well you are taking care of yourself. For example, how do you respond to your body’s hunger pangs? Do you skip meals, even though your stomach is grumbling, opting to wait until the hunger is unbearable before grabbing a quick bite and an espresso so you can continue working? If you consistently push yourself to ignore your emotional and physiological needs so you can get more done, there is a good chance you are on your way to burnt out.good chance you are on your way to being burnt out.

To prevent total burnout from affecting you, start scheduling time for your personal care just as you would schedule an appointment or a conference call. Schedule personal time and engage in nurturing activities that promote calmness. This will look differently for everyone, so think about what makes YOU feel best. For example, do you like taking a long bubble bath, going to the gym, or eating a home-cooked meal? Do you feel most relaxed when you get a weekly massage or facial? Figure out what makes you feel best and schedule time to do it.